Northern Transport Planning provides specialist advice on the traffic, highways and transport issues affecting development. We can advise at all stages of a development project, from feasibility studies to planning applications and, where necessary public inquiries and appeals.
We have a proven record of success in dealing with all types of development. These have ranged from major developments comprising large residential sites, business parks, hotels and retail parks to smaller proposals consisting of one or two dwellings or a modest-sized industrial unit.
Our approach focuses on meeting client needs and adding value to the projects with which we are involved. We provide a flexible and reliable service, developing a close working relationship with our clients and achieving success on time and within budget.
We can help - if you need advice on the traffic or highway issues associated with new development, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our initial consultation will be free and without obligation.
Northern Transport Planning Suite 7 Vincent House 136 Westgate WAKEFIELD WF2 9LE Tel: 01924 367460 Fax: 01924 368931 Email: mail@ntpconsultants.co.uk