Cycling to Capitol Park
If you live within three miles of Capitol Park, your office is less than a 15 minute cycle from home. Cycling can be quicker than driving, particularly for shorter journeys.
If you’d prefer some company on your cycle to work, try BikeBUDi - it matches you up with other people who want to go the same way as you so you can cycle together. The service is totally free to use.
- Find someone to cycle with:
Liftshare BikeBUDi - Sustrans:
National Cycle Network - Travel Plan Manager:
Northern Transport Planning
Discounted Bikes!
To promote healthier journeys to work and to reduce environmental pollution, the Government has introduced an annual tax exemption, which allows employers to loan cycles and cyclists' safety equipment to employees as a tax-free benefit.
Details of the Government's scheme are available here...
A number of organisations will help with the implimentation of a Cycle to Work scheme, such as Cyclesheme and Cyclesolutions.
The Leeds City Council cycling map, which shows a network of routes recommended by cyclists, is available as a paper or downloadable version. The paper edition of the map is available FREE from Gateway Yorkshire (at Leeds railway station), some bike shops or by post. If you want a free copy sent to you in the post, send a 1st class A5 stamped addressed envelope to:
Leeds Cycle Map
Transport Policy
Leeds City Council
2 Rossington Street
Leeds LS2 8HD
The Leeds map, and others, can be downloaded here...
Online Maps:
Online cycling maps, designed to help you to plan a safe and enjoyable cycle journey, are available here...
Bike Buddy:
Do you ride a bike? Ever thought of cycling to work but lack the confidence to give it a go?
Leeds City Council's road safety team can provide you with a ‘Bike Buddy’ to help increase your confidence whether you're an existing rider or complete novice to on-road riding.
Further information on the Bike Buddy service can be obtained by contacting the Council on 0113 247 5198.