Catching a Taxi from Capitol Park
A list of local taxi and private hire operators is provided at the bottom of the page.
Useful Contacts
- Capitol Park Developer:
Sterling Capitol - Managing Agent:
Knight Frank - Travel Plan Manager:
Northern Transport Planning
Your Local Taxi Operators.
Name | Address | Telephone |
Fly Away Private Hire | 18, Topcliffe Court, Morley, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 8UG |
0113 2526364 |
Morley Central Taxis | 48a, High St, Morley, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 0BY | 0800 3288294 |
Millenium Cars | Chapel Hill, Morley, Leeds, LS27 9JH | 0113 252 3333 |
Local Private Hire | 51B Commercial Street, Morley, Leeds, LS27 8AG | 0113 252 8258 |
Morley Cars | Union Works, Bridge Street, Morley, Leeds, LS27 0ER | 0113 252 2222 |