Walking to Capitol Park
If you live within one mile of Capitol Park, your workplace is less than a 20 minute walk from home.
If it’s raining and you’ve forgotten your umbrella, you can borrow one from reception. If you’d prefer some company on your walk, try WalkBUDi - it matches you up with other people who want to go the same way as you so you can walk together. It’s as easy as that, and totally free to use.
- Find someone to walk with:
Liftshare WalkBUDi - Sustrans:
Active Travel - Travel Plan Manager:
Northern Transport Planning
Stay Healthy by Walking
Activity should not be confused with formal exercise. You can be active without ever slipping into lycra or joining a gym.
Walking has been proven to deliver substantial physical and psychological benefits. Walking is one of the best ways to get your dose of healthy activity: just 30 minutes of brisk walking, even spread throughout the day, will strengthen your heart and muscles. You'd be surprised how a small change in the amount you walk can make a big difference to your health and well-being.
So go on – make a start to-day. It's easy; you can do it anywhere, anytime and alone or with friends. It doesn't harm the environment and it's free!
Why Walk?
Many of us are pedestrians for part of our journeys.
Walking is a viable option for many at no cost, and can significantly improve health and fitness levels.
Walking 15 minutes to work and home again each day can halve the risk of heart disease. For those living further away, the walk to public transport could help to contribute to the recommended 10,000 steps a day.
Even if you have to drive to work, why not try parking further away from Capitol Park and walk the last 15 minutes of the journey?
Active Travel
Staff and visitors to Capitol Park Leeds should be aware of the ‘Active Travel’ guidance available within the ‘Sustrans Projects’ section of the Sustrans Website. A link to 'Active Travel' is is available here.
Sustrans is the UK's leading sustainable transport charity; their vision is a world in which people can choose to travel in ways that benefit their health and the environment.